Shenzhou XVII astronauts meet press after return from space|神十七航天员乘组太空归来后正式亮相 The three astronauts from China's Shenzhou XVII crewed mission meet pres...
Claude的语言模型对于诗句的本身理解是不正确的。 这句诗翻译家许渊冲翻译为“Far, far from home is the heartbroken one.”由此可见,大语言模型可以帮助翻译者分析这句诗基本的意思,...
Return from Prosperity 漫步马鞍山,历经百年风雨的老建筑随处可见。这里曾是重庆开埠时期最早的外企聚集地,别墅、洋房,在马鞍山人眼里再寻常不过。 抗战时期,大量民族工商企业内迁,在...
35. On his return from his college, he found the house ___. A. deserting B. deserted C. desert D. to be deserted 36. When Jane fell off the bike, the other children ___. A. were not able to help laughter B. could not help but laughing C. could not ...
Casting by chance my shadow from on high On the waves in your heart. You need feel nor cheer Nor surprise, for at a glimpse it will disappear. On a dark night at sea we me...
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